3 Relaxation Tips For Stress That Really Work - And They Don't Involve Counting to 10
Good nutrition, relaxation techniques, and exercise, can eliminate stress from your life. This article will share 3 of the easiest, most inexpensive relaxation tips you can start using right now.
Before we get started, sit comfortably in your chair with your back and neck resting on the back of your seat. Make sure that your feet are planted firmly on the floor, and repeat the following statement, It is my intention to relax.
There are foods that increase our stress levels (caffeine, processed sugar, salt) and foods that increase relaxation and boost our energy levels. This first tip falls into this category.
Add Strawberries to your daily diet. This may sound like a weird request but strawberries are an energy producing food in more ways than one. Stress drains your mind, weakens the immune system and wreaks havoc on your ability to concentrate, which means you have problems getting things done. Strawberries are anti-oxidants packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, folic acid, potassium and beta-carotene. These vitamins help you reduce stress and give a big boost to your immune system.
Ever wonder why strawberries and whipped cream are in such full supply around Valentine's Day? Its trademark seeds are full of zinc which will give your sex drive a big boost. This is a popular technique to test (wonder why) and if you don't like strawberries, substitute fiber-rich raspberries instead.
The second tip Online Yoga.
Yes, I said that right, online yoga. Yoga is one of the top, scientifically proven relaxation methods, only second to meditation. Yoga produces long-term results that reduce stress, lowers blood pressure, eliminates symptoms of depression and anxiety, and helps you lose weight.
There are many different types of yoga so while you discover the best one for you, try a few postures online for free! Visit EHow.Com, click on the Videos link above the search box. Type in Yoga and you have several Yoga teachers at your fingertips. HathaYogaLesson.com is also another great site offering free yoga postures (with animated instruction).
The last relaxation tip is Guided Imagery.
Guided imagery (also referred to as visualization) is a tool that creates feelings of control by causing you to free your mind from distractions and competing thoughts. It is the use of imagination and conscious daydreaming that uses focused attention to visualize places, experience, or objects that are perceived through all of the senses.
For a quick experience of what imagery can create, close your eyes and imagine taking a bite out of a big, juicy lemon. See it, smell it, taste its sourness. Is your mouth watering at the thought? Imagery facilitates calmness, increases creativity, eliminates anxiety and pain, and improves your quality of life.
Stress Management
Stress management is really an umbrella term for millions of individual techniques and approaches to nutrition and lifestyle. Strawberries, as well as a full range of fruits and vegetables, heal the body from the inside out. Yoga and imagery will help you fulfill your health and wellness goals.
Google guided imagery scripts for some great websites that offer imagery scripts that will take you to the beach or deep into the forest. Test them yourself. The least you will receive is a little calmness and relaxation. Can you live with that?
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